Nov 10, 2010

too much rain

went out with my friend, cat, to watch a movie this evening.

during the movie itself, it started thundering and by the time it finished and we came out, it was raining so heavily. we didnt have an umbrella (which i had conveniently kept in my other handbag) and the cab and tuktuk services were all out. we thought we could wait till the rain stopped a bit but of course that never happened. it was pouring cats and dogs, after days of no rain!!!

and so we decided to make a dash for it, after seeing some brave persons walking out in the rain without an umbrella and with plastic bags, scarves and sometimes nothing on their heads. we could see that the road was heavily flooded. cars weren't getting through and those that did come were stuck mid way drowned in the water. but we decided to be brave and head out in the water. we were knee deep in the water n it was quite fast flowing, and then my friend decided to warn me of open drains which can suck you in. scary! at one point, my feet was directly above a closed drain and some seaweedy thingy was tangled in my leg. yuck! but anyway we manage to cross the road to safety and being quite carried away with the excitement of it all, cat wanted to take photos. most of them turned out blurry but we did capture the moment. hah! anyway, we crossed over to galle road, which was the main road and buses were still running.

and finally, after cat falling into a shallow hole, and some random guy on the road annoying us, and after missing a bus, we managed to catch a tuktuk guy who dropped us home for 100 bucks. safe home, a cool shower and a yummy dinner afterwards, i'm just wishing i wont catch the flu tomorrow morning.


Witch-king said...

haha... I too nearly fell in a hole! Luckily I had the sense to push my bicycle in front of me... Goethe was FLOODED!(yep, knee deep):D it was so up till kanattha junc.. and here and there in baseline road... Only the buses could move, AND me bicycle :)... Felt the Joy of owning a bicycle, really handy in watery situations ;) However, I did get thoroughly drenched :D...

Enjoyed thine movie? I did!

Unknown said...

do u remember the time we went to McD in the rain..u,me, rish and naz.... :))

Unknown said...

Hehe That is funny! Aah I miss the times we had the rain in SL - always wet and water everywhere we went...Must have been superb n?? Nice blog really captured the whole rain thingy =)

Wanderlust said...

Too much rain too much pain eh? ;)